Engage Your Viewers: Allow Them to Choose the Next Song on Your DJ Jukebox TV Channel (May 3rd, 2023 )
Worldwide Charts: choose the next song - live example
You can choose the next song in the following 24x7 music channel, by simply scanning the QRCode on your smartphone. You will be able to pick content to be broadcasted next.
var video = document.getElementById('video');var videoSrc = 'https://ireplay.tv/djing/music.m3u8';if (video.canPlayType('application/vnd.apple.mpegurl')) {video.src ...
Reloop RMX-95 in 5 minutes and Video reviews (December 8th, 2022 )
In the world of professional DJ equipment, the Reloop RMX-95 Mixer has been causing quite a stir. If you're considering adding this mixer to your setup, whether it's as an upgrade or a replacement for the previous models, this review is for you. In this article, we'll delve into the features, applications, and comparisons of the Reloop RMX-95, a club-style mixer that's creating waves in the DJ community.
Exploring ...